Understanding Whiplash Injuries: Albuquerque Trucking Accident Lawyer Explains Head and Neck Injuries in New Mexico 18 Wheeler Wrecks

Most people have heard of a whiplash injury. This is a common type of injury in any motor vehicle accident, including in New Mexico 18 wheeler wrecks. While more common at high speed crashes, even low speed trucking crashes involving large commercial trucks could result in devastating whiplash injuries. This is due to the size and momentum that a truck will generate even if traveling at a slow speed. But while many people have heard of whiplash injuries, most people do not know that they could result in a permanent and debilitating condition which could affect a patient for his or her entire life. But our Albuquerque trucking accident lawyer knows and wants to share some important information with you.

What is a Whiplash Injury?

While most of us have heard of a whiplash injury from time to time, few of us may understand what is really happening like a medical doctor will. A whiplash injury is when the head and neck accelerate forward in a rapid motion, and then “whip” backwards in an accelerated motion before violently stopping. This and forceful movement front and back results in that “whip” motion which gives this injury that name.

However, anatomically what is happening is the muscles of your neck and your vertebrae are being snapped forward and back at a rate that they cannot sustain. This is usually behind the range of motion of the neck as well. This means that tissue will become hyperextended or suffer from hyperflexion. This causes tears in the muscles and tissues. This can also damage or slip a disc or misalign vertebrae in the neck. This can place extreme pressure on nerves originating from the neck which in turn causes debilitating pain and even a loss of motor function or sensation.

The symptoms for whiplash from a New Mexico 18 wheeler wreck include the following:

  • Neck pain and back pain;
  • Stiffness in the neck or stiffness in the back;
  • Headaches;
  • Migraines;
  • Dizziness;
  • Burning or itching sensations in the neck, back, shoulders, arms, hands, or fingers;
  • Severe pain;
  • Extreme soreness;
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering details; and
  • Other claims or causes of action.

Recovering Compensation for New Mexico 18 Wheeler Wrecks Causing Whiplash

As a result of a serious injury due to whiplash, victims may have to undergo serious treatment. One common treatment is a cervical fusion, which fuses together vertebrae in the neck to prevent the disc and movement of the neck from damaging or impairing nerves. This is a very costly surgery as it is irreversible and permanent, and will permanently decrease a patient’s range of motion for the rest of his or her life.

Thus, an individual who has suffered a serious neck injury may be entitled to compensation for his or her injuries, including compensation for the following:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Lost wages;
  • Lost future earnings;
  • Medical bills and medical expenses;
  • Future medical bills and surgeries;
  • Loss of consortium and services; and
  • Other damages related to the crash.

New Mexico 18 Wheeler Wrecks Causing Whiplash Injuries

If you or a loved one have been injured in a New Mexico 18 wheeler wreck, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Please call the Mark Caruso by dialing (505) 883-5000 to schedule a FREE consultation with one of our experienced Albuquerque trucking accident lawyers. We handle cases throughout New Mexico, including in Las Cruces, Rio Rancho, Santa Fe, Roswell, Farmington, Hobbs, Lordsburg, or anywhere else in the state, including Albuquerque where our law office is located. You can also contact us on our website through the easy to use and convenient Contact box located by clicking here.