One of the most common injuries in a rear-end car accident is whiplash. For some, it may feel like minor, bearable pain, but for others, it can develop into chronic pain. Therefore, it is crucial to get a proper and comprehensive medical evaluation done after an accident so the doctor can suggest the appropriate treatment and ensure you’re on the road to recovery. Besides this, reporting all injuries, minor or major, is vital so you can claim the compensation you deserve. Read on to learn more about whiplash injury and legal recourse after a car accident:
Whiplash Injury: What Is It?
Whiplash injury is a form of neck injury. It usually occurs when the head is unexpectedly jolted in a back-and-forth movement. This action puts the neck through forceful and quick movements. It usually happens when a sudden deceleration or impact occurs, such as in car accidents.
Whiplash is a term devised from the whip-like movement of the head and neck during the injury. The movement is so fast and forceful, it is likely to strain the ligaments, muscles, and other parts of the victim’s neck.
Here, it is vital to understand that while many whiplash injuries are mild and manageable with conservative treatments like resting, icing, and pain medication, more severe cases require consistent medical attention, including physical therapy. Individuals suffering from whiplash injuries after a car accident may seek legal recourse to obtain compensation for medical expenses and other damages, especially if the injury occurred because of the negligent party.
Symptoms of Whiplash Injury
Common symptoms of whiplash injury are:
- Neck pain and stiffness: Persistent discomfort and limited movement in the neck, often due to sudden and forceful motion during a whiplash injury.
- Headaches: Painful sensations, typically originating at the base of the skull, often accompanying whiplash injuries.
- Shoulder pain & tenderness: Discomfort and soreness in the upper regions of the back and shoulders due to the impact of the whiplash motion.
- Tingling or numbness in arms: Abnormal sensations or loss of feeling in the arms, potentially indicating nerve involvement following a whiplash injury.
- Fatigue: Unexplained exhaustion can result from the physical and emotional stress associated with whiplash.
- Dizziness or vertigo: Lightheadedness or a spinning sensation commonly experienced after a whiplash injury.
- Difficulty concentrating: Impaired cognitive function, including challenges with focus and memory, often observed in individuals recovering from whiplash.
Hire a Professional Car Accident Lawyer
Hiring a seasoned car accident lawyer for a whiplash injury that you incurred in a rear-end car accident can be a crucial step in ensuring you receive the rightful compensation for your damages. And that’s why people choose us. Experienced personal injury attorneys at Caruso Law Offices, P.C., possess the expertise to navigate the legal complexities associated with whiplash claims. We can assess the specifics of your case, gather relevant evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, represent you in court. This professional assistance becomes particularly valuable when dealing with the challenges of proving liability and demonstrating the full extent of your injuries. With us, you can enhance your chances of securing a fair settlement that adequately addresses medical expenses and lost wages resulting from a whiplash injury, providing you with the support needed during recovery. Call us today at NM: (505) 883-5000 or CA: (909) 303-1565 for a free case consultation.