Fatal RV Crash in New Mexico Kills Four on I-40

Fatal RV Crash on I-40 Involving Three Vehicles Including an RV Caused by a Tire Blowout

Like large commercial trucks, recreational vehicles or RVs are very large, heavy, and generate significant moment.  This is particularly true on interstates like I-40, I-25, and I-10.  Police are reporting that four people were killed in a multi-vehicle accident about eight miles west of Santa Rosa, New Mexico, including an RV on I-40.  According to New Mexico State Police, the RV was eastbound and had a tire blow out.  This caused the RB to cross the median and hit oncoming cars in the westbound lanes.  The four people that were killed were all in one vehicle that was hit by the RV.

Here at Caruso Law Offices, we have seen this scenario happen many times before.  Unfortunately these wrongful deaths likely could have been prevented.  If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or killed in a New Mexico vehicle crash, including a large vehicle like a recreational vehicle (RV), call our experienced Albuquerque car accident lawyers by dialing (505) 883-5000 for a FREE consultation to learn how we can help you obtain the maximum compensation you may be entitled to.

RV Tire Blowouts Are Likely Negligence

Tire blowouts are a more common problem for large vehicles like 18 wheelers or RVs.  This is because of the weight on the tires and the force placed on them.  When the tires begin to fail, the added weight creates a very dangerous situation were even small wear and tear or damage could have massive consequences.  It is very likely in the horrific news story above that the tire that had the blowout was already showing signs of damage or wear and tear.  Because of this, hitting a pothole or other bump in the road will result in a tire blowout as opposed to just a hard bump.

When a tire blowout occurs because of the failure to inspect the RV, the RV driver could be liable for causing any injuries to other motorists.  For instance, NM Stat. 66-3-901 provides that “[n]o person shall driver or move on any highway any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer or pole trailer or any combination thereof unless the equipment upon every vehicle is in good working order . . . and the vehicle is in such safe mechanical condition as not to endanger the driver or other occupant or any person upon the highway.”

Since a tire blowout does not occur to a healthy, strong tire, it is likely that the tire was wither worn and weak being the fault of the RV driver.  Or that the tire had a manufacturing defect.  Even if the RV hit a pothole, tires are designed to withstand collisions such as that.

Therefore it is likely that the RV driver and/or owner violated NM Stat. 66-3-901 and could be liable for the injuries and wrongful deaths caused by the crash.

RV Crashes that Cause Wrongful Deaths Due to Tire Blowouts Can Result in Liability

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, call the experienced New Mexico car accident attorneys at Caruso Law Offices today by dialing (505) 883-5000 You can also contact us on our website through the easy to use and convenient Contact box located by clicking here.