Car Accidents During the Fourth of July: Common Causes Due to Negligence

New Mexico Car Accident Attorneys Discuss Common Causes of Car Accidents During July Fourth Weekend

While marking our Independence, the July Fourth holiday is also one of the largest travel, BBQ, drinking, and celebratory holidays on the calendar. Many Americans will travel far distances to celebrate the holiday, and it is predicted that this year will be one of the highest traveled July Fourths in a few years. Because of the increased travel on the road, it is only natural for there to be an increased number of motor vehicle accidents. This is particularly true due to the increased number of people partaking in drinking alcoholic drinks to celebrate the holiday. This combination of increased traffic and increased alcohol use is a recipe for serious car accidents.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident caused on July Fourth weekend, contact the experienced New Mexico car accident attorneys for a FREE consultation by dialing (505) 883-5000. We have handled many Motor Vehicle Accident causes, including those occurring on holidays and due to alcohol. We will fight hard to protect your rights to compensation and uncover the causes of your motor vehicle accident.

Common Causes of July Fourth Weekend Car Accidents

Increased traffic on the roadway alone is not a reason to cause motor vehicle accidents. Whether there are no cars or hundreds of cars, motorists must exercise caution in operating their motor vehicle. Said differently, increased traffic is not negligence which could entitle a victim to compensation.

However, there are other contributing factors which may cause motor vehicle accidents on July Fourth weekend, and which may be caused by the negligence of the other driver causing the accident. Some common examples include the following:

  • Alcohol and drug related impairments – As noted above, July Fourth weekend is marked with BBQs and alcohol. Many people celebrating this holiday will have an alcoholic drink at a BBQ or party. They may then try to drive home. Even after just one alcoholic drink, a motorist’s ability to react may be impaired. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs—illegal or prescribed—can cause a motor vehicle accident and be negligent.
  • Distracted driving – Many people traveling for July Fourth weekend may have several other people in the motor vehicle with them. This could be other family members or friends. With an increased number of passengers comes an increased number of distractions for the driver. When a passenger distracts the driver of a motor vehicle, this can cause a car accident and be due to negligence. Other distractions such as using the GPS to find the party location or BBQ, using a cell phone to call for directions, or texting friends to let them know where you are can also result in serious car accidents and be caused by the negligent conduct of the driver.
  • Mechanical problems or Defects with a Motor Vehicle – Not everyone travels far distances often. Some people just drive on local roads. But for July Fourth, they may be required to drive far distances for the first time in awhile. Their motor vehicle may not be fine-tuned or have defects that may not be noticeable on local roads, but while driving high speeds on interstates and highways it could be a serious defect. Some examples include faulty steering wheels, worn down brakes, or balding tires. A motorist is liable for the condition of his or her car, so if a mechanical defect caused the motor vehicle accident in Albuquerque, the motorist would be liable for the car accident due to negligence.

Contact an Experienced New Mexico Car Accident Attorney for your July Fourth Car Accidents

If you or a loved one has been injured in an Albuquerque car accident, call the experienced New Mexico car accident attorneys at the Mark Caruso today by dialing (505) 883-5000 You can also contact us on our website to schedule a free consultation.