Fractures are partial or complete breaks of bones. However, there are various types of fractures. Knowing the type of fracture you have can help you secure the medical treatment you need to make a full recovery. Caruso Law Offices is here to guide you through the process of filing a personal injury claim related to your fracture after your motor vehicle accidents.
Common Causes of Bone Fractures
Fractures often occur when more force is applied to the bone than it can handle. Common causes of fractures include:
- Car accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Bike accidents
- Hits to the body
Fractures can also occur when too much pressure is put on bones due to overuse or repetitive motions or diseases that weaken the bones.
When someone else’s negligence results in a bone fracture, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.
Symptoms of a Bone Fracture
Symptoms of a fracture can vary but often include:
- A deformity
- Trouble using or moving the injured part of the body
- Swelling
- Sudden pain
- Warmth, redness, or bruising around the injured area
If you notice these symptoms after an event that causes physical trauma, seek medical attention immediately. A doctor may be able to diagnose you with a physical examination or using a diagnostic test such as an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI.
How Bone Fractures Are Classified
Medical providers generally classify bone fractures as open or closed. Open fractures occur when a bone pokes through the skin and is visible or a deep wound exposes it. Closed fractures have intact skin.
Healthcare professionals further classify bones according to the type or location of the break. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, common types of fracture names include:
- Greenstick fractures are complete breaks. Part of the bone is broken and causes the other side of it to bend.
- Compression fractures are crushed bones, causing the fractured bone to be wider or flatter.
- Transverse fractures are straight across the bone.
- Oblique fractures are diagonal across the bone.
- Spiral fractures spiral around the bone and are common in twisting injuries.
- Segmental fractures have breaks in two places.
- Comminuted fractures have three or more breaks.
- Avulsion fractures are broken near tendons or ligaments.
The type of fracture you have will dictate your medical treatment.
Treating Bone Fractures
Treatment for a bone fracture depends on the location of the break and its impact on your overall health. Potential treatment options include:
- Splint or cast – A splint or cast can help immobilize the injured area to keep the bone aligned. Bottom of Form
- Medication – Medication may help to control the pain and reduce inflammation.
- Traction – Traction is a medical procedure in which a provider stretches the body in a certain direction to stretch muscles and tendons around the broken bone.
- Surgery – Surgery may be necessary in some cases to put bones back into place or remove a bone that has pierced an organ.
You may be able to recover compensation to pay for this medical treatment if someone else was responsible for your injuries.
Time Limits to File a Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit
New Mexico law limits the amount of time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit to three years after the accident. Safeguard your rights by reaching out to an experienced lawyer today.
Did You Suffer a Bone Fracture? Contact Us Today
Caruso Law Offices is dedicated to helping you recover maximum compensation after someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. If you were in a motor vehicle accident and suffered broken bones, contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.