Albuquerque Under and Override Accidents 

Underride and override accidents are among the most serious types of truck accidents. They often result in fatalities and life-altering disabilities. If you were affected by one of these crashes, you need a strong legal advocate in your corner. Caruso Law Offices can meet with you at our office, in your home, or in the hospital to discuss how we can guide you through this trying time in your life. Contact us today to get started with a free case review.

What Is an Underride Truck Accident?

An underride truck accident occurs when a car slides under a truck between its wheels. This type of event usually occurs at the rear of a truck, but it can also occur at the side of the truck.

What Is an Override Truck Accident?

An override truck accident occurs when a truck strikes the rear of a passenger vehicle with so much force that it runs over the passenger vehicle. In some cases, the truck crushes the car. In others, it sheers the roof off.

Dangers of Underride and Override Truck Accidents

The Government Accountability Office found the consequences of underride crashes are more likely to be severe, compared to other types of truck crashes. An analysis by FRONTLINE of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data found that more than 400 people died in underride crashes in 2021. However, researchers believe these figures are underreported because of inconsistent reporting requirements and definitions across jurisdictions.

These crashes often result in fatalities and serious injuries because the truck may run over the car or sheer off the roof. More serious injuries are also likely because of the significant height difference between the truck and passenger vehicle. Safety features in the car, such as airbags, may not be activated because the point of impact may be to the hood or the windshield.

Common Causes of Underride and Override Truck Accidents

Underride truck accidents can occur from negligent actions, such as:

  • Not fixing broken brake lights or tail lights
  • Following too closely
  • Not replacing underride guards
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  • Failing to look when backing up

Override truck accidents occur when the truck driver cannot stop, running over the smaller vehicle in front of them. These accidents typically occur when:

  • The truck driver follows too closely
  • The truck driver fails to yield the right-of-way
  • The truck driver speeds
  • The truck’s brakes fail
  • The tires blow out

Underride guards can help prevent these types of crashes. Side guards can also prevent these crashes, but the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration does not currently require them.

Were You Injured in an Underride or Override Truck Accident? Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you were injured in an under or override truck accident, Caruso Law Offices can provide the dedicated legal support you need. We offer a free consultation to discuss your legal rights and options. Contact us today to speak with an experienced Albuquerque truck accident injury lawyer.