Labor Day Motor Vehicle Accidents: Things to be Aware Of

New Mexico Car Accidents Increase on Labor Day: Here is Why

Happy and safe Labor Day to all.  According to the Department of Labor, Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894 and “is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.”  In modern times we mark Labor Day as a day off from work and a BBQ with family and friends.  Many people travel great distances to enjoy the unofficial end of summer as school begins and people start to focus on the end-of-year holidays.

But this holiday also has a grim factor with it.  Since there are more people on the roads and most people are going to BBQs where there is alcohol served, Labor Day car accidents are very high.  In fact, this year it is estimated that Labor Day weekend car fatalities will be at its highest since 2008.  According to other statistics, Labor Day weekend is the second highest summer holiday for traffic accident related fatalities with 308—this is begin Memorial Day and ahead of Independence Day.

Here at Caruso Law Offices, we know how dangerous any holidays are for motor vehicle accidents including car accidents, trucking crashes, motorcycle collisions, pedestrian knockdowns, and other serious motor vehicle accidents.  If you or a loved one have been serious injured or wrongfully killed in a Labor Day crash, call us today for a FREE consultation by dialing (505) 883-5000 to learn your rights to compensation.

Reasons Why Labor Day Car Crashes are so Dangerous

Labor Day has become a holiday of family and friend BBQs and drinking.  Getting behind the road after drinking is a known dangerous act.  But also the increased traffic on the road creates more traffic that inexperienced drivers may struggle to navigate through.  Here are some of the top reasons why Labor Day is one of the most dangerous holidays for car wrecks:

  • Drinking and driving is very common at BBQs;
  • Drugged driving has recently taken over drugged driving as the number one cause of intoxicated accidents;
  • Increased traffic due to people all going somewhere at around the same time (for the afternoon BBQ);
  • Inexperienced drivers may be traveling home or to visit friends that normally would not be driving except for a holiday, including young drivers, college drivers coming home for the day, and elderly drivers who do not normally drive;
  • Increased interstate I-40, I-25, I-10 traffic for people traveling great distances which results in more high-speed crashes;
  • Distracted driving with multiple friends or family in the motor vehicle;
  • Calling or texting for directions when not sure where to go while visiting family or friends;
  • Mechanical problems with cars; and
  • Many other causes which can serious injury or kill.

Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day!  If You are Injured in a Vehicle Wreck, Call Mark Caruso To Learn Your Rights

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, call the experienced New Mexico car accident attorneys at Caruso Law Offices today by dialing (505) 883-5000 You can also contact us on our website through the easy to use and convenient Contact box located by clicking here.